Ancient Aliens & Ancient Astronauts
Sumerian Anunnaki
Cylinder of Adda (Fg. 1-1)
Ancient Sumerian texts define the Anunnaki as "those who from
heaven to Earth came" described as those who descended from the heavens,
and in certain context, the fallen angels. By comparative religions,
its believed the book of Genesis (600BC) was extracted from the Sumerian
Epic of Creation (~6000-8500BC). Records are filled with great details
of Anunnaki having depictions as the watchers, also evident in further
Biblical texts by Daniel and Jubilees.
According to the accounts, the Anunnaki were the Gods &
Goddesses who met occasionally to indirectly determine the fate of
mankind, if by no fault of their own. Abraham's father Terah was
believed to have served the fallen angels, or the sons of the
gods/goddesses, found in Psalms in reference to the Nephilim. Sharing
part of the Babylonian creation myth as the children of Anu and Ki, the
Anunnaki are also associated with the stories of Planet X, or the 12th
planet, and its return to Earth over a long elliptical orbit, written
about by Zecharia Sitchin.
Dogon Star Connection
Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating
back to around 3200 BC and are believed to have descended from ancient
Egyptians. Deeply rooted traditions of the Dogon people speak of the
Nommos who visited from a companion star to Sirius. The Nommos are
known as amphibious beings that have also appeared in numerous related
myths found in the Babylonian, Accadian and Sumerian cultures.
Sirius' companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit and is not
visible to the naked eye. Modern astronomers did not know the companion
star existed until the Dogon myth was discovered. They tell us how the
Nommos shared the knowledge of Sirius with them and left behind several
artifacts. One artifact depicting the Sirius constallation carbon dates
to 400 years ago, a little over 230 years before astronomers suspected
the existence of the companion star.
Every 60 years the Dogon celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B
which rises further questions considering Sirius B's 50 year cycle. The
Dogon legend also mentions a 3rd star in the system, which would be
called Sirius C, if found by modern telescopes. Nommos are believed to
inhabit a planet orbiting Sirius C though mainstream science does not
consider the Sirius constellation to be a prime candidate for life.
Research in 1995 concluded that based on observations of motions in the
Sirius system, a red dwarf star about 1/20th the mass of Sirius B
Hopi Indians Kachina
Hopi Kachina Bolo (Fg. 1-3)
The Peaceful People, Hopi, live in northeast Arizona to this
present day and are believed to be descendants from cultures to the
north, east and south. One of their ancestors is the Anasazi, who
directly relate to the Aztec culture. Though many civilizations
maintain beliefs of descending from the sky, the Hopi believe they came
up from the ground.
One of the many Hopi legends specifically referrers to the Ant
People who inhabit the heart of the Earth. Depictions of the Ant People
strongly resemble modern day gray alien sighting reports. The Hopi
believe at the end of this cycle of time, the star people and star
knowledge will return. Known as Blue Kachina, the star people went to
the heart of the Earth to be protected during the destruction of the
last cycle of time.
It is important to note the legend of the Blue Kachina also
coincides with Mayan prophecy and the modern Planet X theory suggesting
an interconnection between Hopi beliefs and those of the Ancient Mayans.
Further prophecies relate to similar creation stories found throughout
different cultures. It is believed there existed 5 stone tablets. One
was kept by the creator, two given to the Hopi themselves, and the
remaining two given to brothers in history to be brought back together
when the world reunites in peace.
Renaissance Art & Ancient Alien Theory
During the Renaissance period up until the French Revolution,
intriguing elements have been discovered in several paintings by
different artists. Its very important to note that some of the
paintings have been fully explained and proved to not have any
extraterrestrial influence. Certain elements to pay attention to
include the Cardinal hat portrayed as a UFO with attached strings, a
satellite which is actually a depiction of the universe creation sphere,
the dove which is actually representative of the Holy Spirit, and light
type elements speculated to be associated with the disc shaped objects.
As true art should be, interpretation relies solely on the
interpreter. Personal beliefs, values and impressions may skew artwork
far from the true intended message. The following artworks have been
referred to by Ancient Alien theorists to have significant value to the
overall theory which encompasses a very large array of disciplines and
is not stringent upon the content of any one specific art piece.
Baptism of Christ (Fg. 1-4a)
Baptism of Christ - Aert De Gelder - 1710
A very intriguing art piece in a series from De Gelder, this one
displays the Baptism of Christ and presents quite a few questions
regarding the composition. Aert studied under Rembrandt and was
considered to his brightest student and most avid follower. Rembrandt's
influence seems to be the only solid theory as to why De Gelder painted
original elements into his works that do not transcend with other
artists during the period. This specific piece displays a circular
formation in the sky with several rays of light shining upon Jesus,
however, the circle is not composed of a series of cherubs, nor is the
dove or Holy Spirit traditionally portrayed. Though the composition
doesn't seem to follow the common traditions depicted by other artists,
it does not necessarily mean Aert's message isn't one in the same. Part
of being a good artist is being unique.
Eucharist (Fg. 1-4b)
Glorification of the Eucharist - 1600 - Bonaventura Salimbeni
Though this painting is representative of a creation sphere meant
to depict the universe as a whole, and the Holy Trinity, certain
intriguing aspects still remain. Jesus and the Father are holding wands
which may give the impression of Sputnik as some have written about,
though we know this to be highly unlikely. Another interesting aspect of
the painting is where Jesus and the Father are pointing and why. Given
the grip on the wands in a penmanship-like fashion, the impression is
one of precision as markings found throughout the artwork.
The Madonna (Fg. 1-4c)
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino - Domenico Ghirlandaio
A puzzling object found in the top right corner of this painting
has the striking resemblance of a modern UFO but the mystery deepens
when a man and his dog looking upward at the strange object are found
just below, along the shoreline, directly left of the Madonna's
shoulder. It is quite possible this subtle touch by Ghirlandaio was
designed to further emphasize the presence of the Holy Spirit during the
sacred conversation.
Annunciation (Fg. 1-4d)
The Annunciation with Saint Emidius - 1486 - Carlo Crivelli
Displays a ray of light emanating from a disc shaped cloud
formation in the sky directing through an opening in the building, to
the Dove, to Mary. The area of interest isn't necessarily the circular
cloud disc of cherubs in the sky and beam of light which may seem odd to
some. Common accouterments found in an alchemist's study where Mary is
located is what rises questioning. The painting's period was during a
time when Alchemy was viewed to be deceptive and banned from practice
for 200 years by Pope John XXII, King Charles V, King Henry IV, King
Henry VI and both the cities of Venice and Nuremberg. Pope Sixtus IV
granted the town of Ascoli a degree of self-goverment and this painting
was the altarpiece for the church of SS Annunziata. Does this depict
Mary embracing the liberty of Ascoli by visiting the local Alchemist?
Visoki Decani Monastery (Fg. 1-4e)
Visoki Decani Monastery ~1350
Located in the Serbian province of Kosovo, the beautiful Visoki
Decani Monastery is well decorated and home to several period relics of
the saints. including the entire preserved body of St. King Stefan of
Decani. Among the many frescoes, one stands alone in describing the
crucifixion of Christ. In each of the top corners is what appears to be a
flying craft with a human figure inside.
Ume No Chiri (Fg. 1-4f)
Ume No Chiri (Dust of Apricot) - 1803
In 1803 the book Ume No Chiri describes a foreign ship and crew
witnessed at Hratonohama in Hitachi no Kuni Japan. The mysterious craft
was reported to be built from iron and red sandalwood with glass/crystal
fit windows. Glyphs from an unknown language decorated the inside.
This encounter proceeds to describe a young woman leaving the ship while
holding a wooden box.
Laurissenses (Fg. 1-4g)
Annales Laurissenses - 776 (Pre-Renaissance)
Several scholars have claimed the two Laurissenses images
circulating the Internet supposed to have been extracted from an Annales
manuscript to be faked, but that does not explain the actual text
documented at the time. In the Maiores MGH SRG 6 on page 44 there is
the 776 passage which talks directly of the watchmen witnessing two
large, reddish-colored flaming shields moving above the church the very
moment the Saxons were preparing to attack the Christians living in the
castle once again. The script specifically refferes to the large
flaming shields to be the manifestation of God directly above the
Miracle of the Snow (Fg. 1-4h)
Miracle of the Snow - 1432 - Masolino Da Panicale
Painted to honor the foundation of Santa Maria Maggiore, the
Miracle of the Snow is based on a legend from the year 352 when Pope
Liberius and Giovanni had a dream of Mother Mary asking to have a church
built on one of the seven hills of Rome. She also told them in the
marked location it would snow as depicted in the later painting.
According to the legend, it snowed in an exact square where claimed and
the first church in honor of Mother Mary was built in place. The
Miracle of the Snow legend is also linked to an event in 1954 over
Florence Italy where it was reported several flying discs left a
cotton-like discharge as they flew by. The shape of the clouds in
Panicale's painting are not the normal cloud shapes found in other
paintings during the period which leaves some speculation to their true
Dharamsala Temple
Tibetan Thangkas Bodhisattva (Fg. 1-5)
According to quite a few, repeated sources found on the Internet,
there are paintings displaying UFOs in the Dharamsala Temple where the
Dalai Lama lives in exile. In traditional Tibetan art, such as the
image of 1000 Buddhas, it is very evident such an interpretation may
perceived from the artwork. Rather than for self-expression, Tibetan
art is a tool for enlightenment with emphasis placed on the sacred
process, often with Tantric qualities, instead of the end aesthetic
results. Many of the painted deities appear to be in a meditative
sitting position, sometimes depicted well above the ground level,
projecting the deity to be floating in the sky. The detail surrounding
the seat and deity sometimes demonstrate possible propulsion systems
leading people to believe the paintings incorporate ancient alien
Beyond the artwork itself are many stories and legends passed down
speaking of gods who fought battles in the sky and the recently media
famous Vimanas. Historical accounts spanning multiple cultures
correlate and essentially corroborate the stories of ancient flying
aircraft. Given the long record of historical account to these legends,
it is not by stretch of the imagination to believe there might be a
connection between the written ancient Vimana legends and the deity
imagery found throughout related cultural artwork. Perhaps meditation
is necessary to effectively control the aircraft. It could also be
possible more emphasis was placed on the imagery of the deity simply
because they were of flesh and blood. However the artwork is looked
upon, uncertainties in interpretation rise enough red flags for us to
think there may be something further.
Nuremberg Sky Battle
Nuremberg Gazette Woodcut (Fg. 1-6)
In 1561, Hans Glaser documented a strange event on a woodcut for
the German Nuremberg Gazette described as hundreds of crosses, globes
and tubes fighting each other above the city. Some of the objects were
reported to have disappeared into the sun, and others into a thick cloud
of smoke after crashing into the ground. Many were said to witness the
entire spectacle along with the appearance of a black, spear-like
object after the battle. According to the accounts, not only did people
of the 16th century witness what seems to be a UFO sky battle, they
were also able to distinctly tell which side was winning.
Coupled with the occurance in Nuremberg, five years later in 1566,
citizens of Basel Switzerland witnessed a similar spectacle involving
several black orbs engaged in sky battle above. The people of Basel also
recorded the event in their city gazette with a woodcut that cannot be
traced to a known artist. Accounts claimed the black orbs would
sometimes turn red and fiery before fading to nothing.
Dropa Stones
Dropa Stones (Fg. 1-7)
Inside a cave found in the Himalayan mountains, a professor of
archaeology and students stumbled upon a very large cache of 12,000
year old stone discs, left behind with several 4 foot tall skeletons.
Each stone disc is about one foot wide and features two fine grooves
inscribed, spiraling from the edge to the disc's ¾" center hole. The
cave where the Dropa Stones were found, the walls were carved with
depictions of the sun, moon, and stars, along with several small dots
connecting the Earth to the sky.
The 716 stone discs found are not quite like the Phaistos Disc of
Greece, though they are also finely decorated with a series of glyphs.
However, Dropa glyphs on the stones are so small that a magnifying glass
is required to read them, plus several have succumbed to erosion over
the years. Due to both of these factors and the language itself, a
definitive translation is still not available. Controversy over
non-glyph discs and the researchers attempting to translate the contents
has lead skeptics to dismiss any and all credible evidence and related
theories. It would be very difficult to decipher a language with an
unknown source or without any foundation based on human languages
already known about. Until links are found, literally connecting the
dots of the Dropa Stones, the translations and true answers remain a
Quimbaya Gold Artifacts
Golden Flyer Artifact (Fg. 1-8)
According to mainstream archeology, the pre-columbian Quimbaya
culture were believed to have lived in South America from 300 to 1550 CE
and are best known for their precise gold and metalwork. The majority
of gold pieces discovered are made with a tumbaga alloy with 30% copper,
very similar to those accounts mentioned by Plato in his dialogues
about the lost city of Atlantis. Among the intricate gold works are
several types of insects and two devices that stand out to be
aerodynamic in nature and of no other insect known to exist. The pieces
look very much like the designs of modern airplanes and incorporate a
number of features essentially proving the Quimbaya knew and understood
the principals of flight. Scale replicas of the golden flyer were built
5 times larger and tested precisely. Results from the tests showed
proved these airplane shaped devices were capable of flight and actually
flew without any modifications using modern techniques.
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